Friday, January 8, 2010


As you all know by now, I hope, I am pregnant. I am now 17 weeks. My due date is June 17, 2010. But as some of you may not know, I have been experiencing many problems with this pregnancy, including being on bedrest for close to 2 months already. This has been a very hard road for both Carl and I but we are really feeling that things are taking a turn for the better. Hopefully we will be finding out what we are having soon, I think it is a girl, but I really don't have a good idea yet. Whereas with "D" I just knew it was a boy.

During this next ultrasound we will also find out of the clot has gone away, possibly been reabsorbed or if not how big it is. I am very scared as this can create many problems for both the baby and me if it is still there. I do not remember what the doctor called it but I believe it is a subchrionic hemorrhage, or a placental abruption but before 20 weeks.

Thank you everyone who has been praying for us, it really means a lot to all of us and we are very grateful for all of the prayers and the good thoughts.

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